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Sarah Sutton

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Sarah Sutton
'n Beeld van die betrokke persoonlikheid.
Geboorte 12 Desember 1961 (1961-12-12) (63 jaar oud)
Nasionaliteit Engels
Kinders Hannah
Beroep(e) Aktrise

Sarah Sutton (gebore 12 Desember 1961) is 'n Engelse aktrise. Sy is bekend vir haar rolle in die televisiereekse Doctor Who (1963) en Westway (1976).


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  • 1963: Doctor Who
  • 1976: Westway
  • 1978: The Moon Stallion


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  • 1973: Alice Through the Looking Glass
  • 1983: Once Upon a Time Lord


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  • 1986: Myth Makers 9: Sarah Sutton
  • 1992: Doctor Who: The Pertwee Years
  • 2000: TravelWise
  • 2003: Putting the Shock Into 'Earthshock'
  • 2004: Writing a Final Visitation
  • 2007: Being Doctor Who
  • 2007: The Crowded TARDIS
  • 2007: Directing Castrovalva
  • 2007: A New Body at Last
  • 2007: Being Nice to Each Other: Making 'The Keeper of Traken'
  • 2007: Anti-Matter from Amsterdam
  • 2007: Jurassic Larks: Time-Flight Studio Recordings
  • 2007: Mouth on Legs
  • 2012: Tomorrow's Times: The Sixth Doctor

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