Globale gebruik vir "Lêer:Emblema e UÇK-së.svg"
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Gebruik in
Gebruik in
Gebruik in
- Kosovo War
- Kosovo Liberation Army
- Flecktarn
- Type 63 assault rifle
- Barrett M82
- Agim Çeku
- Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People's Self-Defence
- Battle of Košare
- Attack on Prekaz
- Battle of Belaćevac Mine
- Battle of Junik
- Battle of Lođa
- Incident at Pristina Airport
- Albania–Yugoslav border incident (April 1999)
- Battle of Podujevo
- December 14, 1998, Albanian–Yugoslav border ambush
- December 3, 1998, Albanian–Yugoslav border clash
- April 23, 1998, Albanian–Yugoslav border ambush
- July 18, 1998, Albanian–Yugoslav border clashes
- Terrorism in Serbia
- TAZ 83
- Battle of Paštrik
- Operation Fenix
- Attacks on Likoshane and Çirez
- User:RafonPolak/sandbox
- Battle of Llapushnik
- Meja ambush
- Ambush near Suva Reka
- User:Overthrow-dictator
- Battle of Marec
- Operation Eagle (Kosovo War)
- Battle of Đocaj and Jasić
- Llapusha-South Drenica Front
- Battle of Vërrin
- Draft:Attacks in Ponoševac
- Incident in Lez
- Kijevo offensive
- KLA Summer offensive (1998)
- Graštica Ambushes
- Agim Shala
- Gajre Ambush (Kosovo War)
- Mališevo offensive
- User talk:Diti04
- Lake Radonjić Operation
- Pestovë ambush
- Draft:Attack on Prekaz (1991)
- User:TeratingaKevinBaughsNewFriend/sandbox/Attack on Lipjan
- Draft:Battle of Oplaza