Janssen-Medalje (Franse Akademie vir Wetenskappe)
Die Janssen-medalje is 'n astrofisika-toekenning wat deur die Franse Akademie vir Wetenskappe toegeken word aan persone wat op hierdie gebied van wetenskap vordering gemaak het. [1]
Die toekenning is in 1886 gestig, alhoewel die eerste medalje nie tot 'n jaar later toegeken is nie. Die kommissie wat gestig is om te besluit op die eerste ontvanger van die medalje, het die Duitse fisikus Gustav Kirchhoff gekies vir sy werk op die wetenskap van spektroskopie. Kirchhoff het egter op 17 Oktober 1887, 63 jaar oud, gesterf, 'n paar maande voor die toekenning aangekondig sou word. In plaas van om 'n nuwe ontvanger vir die toekenning te kies, het die kommissie by die Akademie se sessie van 26 Desember 1887 aangekondig dat die inlywende medalje op sy graf geplaas sal word tot groot eer van die nagedagtenis van hierdie groot geleerde van Heidelberg. [2]
Die toekenning was bedoel om tweejaarliks te wees, maar is in 1888 en weer in 1889 toegeken. In die 1889-reeks Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences is verduidelik dat die toekenning jaarliks vir die eerste sewe jaar aangebied sal word, en dan twee jaarliks vanaf 1894. [3]
Hierdie toekenning word onderskei van die Prix Jules Janssen (geskep in 1897), 'n jaarlikse toekenning aangebied deur die Franse Sterrekundige Vereniging. Beide toekennings is vernoem na die Franse sterrekundige Pierre Janssen (1824-1907) (beter bekend as Jules Janssen). Janssen het die Akademie-toekenning gevestig, en was 'n lid van die inleidende kommissie.
[wysig | wysig bron]- 1887 - Gustav Kirchhoff[4] (postuum)
- 1888 - William Huggins[4][5]
- 1889 - Norman Lockyer[4]
- 1890 - Charles Augustus Young[4][6]
- 1891 - Georges Rayet[4]
- 1892 - Pietro Tacchini[4][7]
- 1893 - Samuel Pierpont Langley[8]
- 1894 - George Ellery Hale[4]
- 1896 - Henri Deslandres[4]
- 1898 - Aristarkh Belopolsky[4]
- 1900 - Edward Emerson Barnard[4]
- 1902 - Aymar de la Baume Pluvinel[4]
- 1904 - Aleksey Pavlovitch Hansky[4]
- 1905 - Gaston Millochau[4][9]
- 1906 - Annibale Ricco[4]
- 1908 - Pierre Puiseux[4]
- 1910 - William Wallace Campbell[4]
- 1912 - Alfred Perot[4]
- 1914 - René Jarry-Desloges[10]
- 1916 - Charles Fabry[11]
- 1918 - Stanislas Chevalier[12]
- 1920 - William Coblentz[13]
- 1922 - Carl Størmer[14]
- 1924 - George Willis Ritchey[15]
- 1926 - Francisco Miranda da Costa Lobo[12]
- 1928 - William Hammond Wright[16]
- 1930 - Bernard Ferdinand Lyot[12]
- 1932 - Alexandre Dauvillier[12]
- 1934 - Walter Sydney Adams[17]
- 1936 - Henry Norris Russell[18]
- 1938 - Bertil Lindblad[12]
- 1940 - Harlow Shapley[12]
- 1943 - Lucien Henri d'Azambuja[12]
- 1944 - Jean Rösch[12]
- 1946 - Jan Hendrik Oort[12]
- 1949 - Daniel Chalonge[12]
- 1952 - André Couder[12]
- 1955 - Otto Struve[19]
- 1956 - Victor Ambartsumian[20]
- 1958 - André Lallemand[12]
- 1961 - Pol Swings[21]
- 1964 - Jean-François Denisse[22]
- 1967 - Bengt Strömgren[23]
- 1970 - Gérard Wlérick[24]
- 1973 - Lucienne Devan[25] (silver-gilt award)[26]
- 1976 - Paul Ledoux[27]
- 1979 - Jean Delhaye[28]
- 1982 - Georges Michaud[29]
- 1985 - Pierre Lacroute[30]
- 1988 - Lodewijk Woltjer.[31]
- 1990 - Pierre Charvin[32]
- 1992 - Henk C. Van de Hulst[33]
- 1994 - Serge Koutchmy[34]
- 1999 - Jean-Marie Mariotti
- 2003 - Gilbert Vedrenne[1]
- 2007 - Bernard Fort[35]
- 2011 - Francois Mignard[36]
Die bogenoemde lys is op datum tot en met 2011.
[wysig | wysig bron]- ↑ 1,0 1,1 (fr) Les Prix Thematiques en Sciences de l'Univers Geargiveer 24 November 2009 op Wayback Machine, French Academy of Sciences website, accessed 23/01/2011
- ↑ (fr) Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences (1887), pp.1322-1323. The French phrase partially translated here is: "L'Académie voudra donner à la mémoire du grand savant d'Heidelberg ce suprême hommage, qui sera une première consécration de sa gloire et une consolation pour sa famille."
- ↑ (fr) Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences (1889), pp.1095-1096
- ↑ 4,00 4,01 4,02 4,03 4,04 4,05 4,06 4,07 4,08 4,09 4,10 4,11 4,12 4,13 4,14 4,15 4,16 Prizes of the French Academy, Ralph E. Wilson, General Notes, Popular Astronomy, Vol. 21, 1913, pp.383-385. This gives all the Janssen Medal awards between 1887 and 1912 that were known to US astronomer Ralph E. Wilson (1886-1960) the author of the note.
- ↑ Huggins, Sir William (1824–1910), Barbara J. Becker, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008, accessed 23 Jan 2011
- ↑ Charles Augustus Young, John M. Poor, Popular Astronomy, vol. 16 (1908), pp.218-230. The Janssen Medal award is mentioned on page 229.
- ↑ Pietro Tacchini, Hector MacPherson, Jr., Popular Astronomy, vol. 13 (1905), pp.306-308. The Janssen Medal award is mentioned on page 308.
- ↑ Award of the JANSSEN Prize to Dr. LANGLEY, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 6 (1894), No. 34, p.66
- ↑ The 1905 statement in Comptes rendus relating to this award stated that the gold medal award would be made in 1906, but that an award of a silver medal would be made in 1905 to Gaston Millochau. See the 1905 volumes of Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences.
- ↑ Jarry‐Desloges, René[dooie skakel], Patrick Fuentes, The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, 2007, Part 10, 589-590, doi:10.1007/978-0-387-30400-7_714
- ↑ General Notes, Popular Astronomy, Vol. 25, 1917, p.214-216. The Janssen Medal is mentioned on page 215, along with a note about two silver medals awarded to Fabry's colleagues at the Marseilles Observatory, Henri Buisson and Henry Bourget.
- ↑ 12,00 12,01 12,02 12,03 12,04 12,05 12,06 12,07 12,08 12,09 12,10 12,11 The citations for all these recipients are located in the corresponding issue of Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences for the year of the award.
- ↑ General Notes, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 33, No. 192, pp.120-122 (1921). The reference to the Janssen Medal is on page 122.
- ↑ Notes, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, December 1922 issue, pp.476-478
- ↑ General Notes, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 36, No. 214, pp.360-363 (1924). The reference to the Janssen Medal is on page 362.
- ↑ William Hammond Wright, 1871-1959, Paul W. Merril, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 71 (1959), No. 421, p.305
- ↑ Walter S. Adams, 1876-1956, F. J. M. Stratton, The Observatory, Vol. 76, p. 139-140 (1956)
- ↑ RUSSELL, Henry Norris, Who Was Who, A & C Black, 1920–2008; online edn, Oxford University Press, Dec 2007, accessed 23 Jan 2011
- ↑ General Notes, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 68, No. 400, pp.84-85 (1956)
- ↑ "argiefkopie". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 25 November 2015. Besoek op 20 November 2017.
- ↑ (fr) Pol Swings - Curriculum Vitae Geargiveer 9 Maart 2012 op Wayback Machine, Fondation Francqui-Stichting website, accessed 24/01/2011
- ↑ (fr) Jean-François Denisse Geargiveer 7 Februarie 2011 op Wayback Machine, French Academy of Sciences website, accessed 23/01/2011
- ↑ Strömgren, Bengt Georg Daniel, Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography (2008), retrieved 26/01/2011 from Encyclopedia.com
- ↑ (fr) Gérard Wlérick Geargiveer 5 Desember 2008 op Wayback Machine, French Academy of Sciences website, accessed 28/01/2011
- ↑ Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences: Sciences mathématiques, Volume 277, page 128 (1973)
- ↑ The Comptes rendus citation refers to the award as a "médaille en vermeil" - i.e. the award was not a full gold medal.
- ↑ Paul Ledoux (1914-1988), A. Noels, The Messenger, vol. 54, p.10 (1988)
- ↑ J. Delhaye received the Prix Jules-César Janssen, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Vie Acad., Tome 289, p. 95 (1979)
- ↑ Observatory Reports: Université de Montréal, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 16, p.246 (1984)
- ↑ [1], Copied pages listing Janssen Medal winners (in French)
- ↑ (fr) Lodewijk Woltjer[dooie skakel], French Academy of Sciences website, accessed 23/01/2011
- ↑ [2], Copied pages listing Janssen Medal winners (in French)
- ↑ [3], Copied pages listing Janssen Medal winners (in French)
- ↑ Serge Koutchmy received la médaille Janssen, C. R. Acad. Sci., Sér. Gén., Vie Sci., Tome 11, No. 5, p. 412 (1994)
- ↑ (fr) Laureats des Prix de l'Academie des Sciences en 2007 Geargiveer 24 Maart 2010 op Wayback Machine, French Academy of Sciences website, accessed 23/01/2011
- ↑ (fr) Francois Mignard Geargiveer 25 Mei 2013 op Wayback Machine, French Academy of Sciences website, accessed 03/05/2012
Eksterne Skakels
[wysig | wysig bron]- (fr) Les Prix Thematiques en Sciences de l'Univers Geargiveer 24 November 2009 op Wayback Machine, includes a description of the Janssen Medal (French Academy of Sciences)
- (fr) Article and photograph on the presentation of the 2007 award to Bernard Fort Geargiveer 25 November 2015 op Wayback Machine (Paris Institute of Astrophysics)