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in Wikipedia, die vrye ensiklopedie

Dokumentasie vir hierdie module kan geskep word by: Module:WdIk/doc

require('strict') -- force strict type checks, and block use of global variables

local p = {};     --All Lua modules on Wikipedia must begin by defining a variable 
                    --that will hold their externally accessible functions.
                    --Such variables can have whatever name you want and may 
                    --also contain various data as well as functions.
-- local functions must go at the top (before you call them) otherwise the interpretor thinks they are not defined
local function toSentenceCase(string)
	return string:gsub("^%l", string.upper)
p.kas = function(frame)     --Add a function to "p".  
                                        --Such functions are callable in Wikipedia
                                        --via the #invoke command.
                                        --"frame" will contain the data that Wikipedia
                                        --sends this function when it runs. 
                                 -- 'kas' is a name of your choice. The same name needs to be referred to when the module is used.
	local args = frame:getParent().args -- an array of the args to the function (start with 1)
    local itemId = nil
    if args.item then
        itemId = args.item
    if itemId == nil then
        mw.addWarning("Wikidata itemID not found, defaulting to Q42")
        itemId = 'Q42'
    local item = mw.wikibase.getEntity(itemId)
    if item == nil then
        mw.addWarning("Wikidata item not found")
        return ''
    local title = toSentenceCase(item:getLabel()) or toSentenceCase(mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text)
	local test_img = '[[Lêer:Test.svg|200px|beeld onderskrif]]'
	local images = item:getBestStatements('P18')
    local image1 = test_img
    if #images == 1 then
    	image1 = '[[Lêer:' .. images[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value .. '|frameless|300px]]'
	local image_desc = 'beeld onderskrif'
    -- reference docs :
    local kas_root = mw.html.create('table')
        -- :attr( 'class', 'infobox' )
        :css( 'width', '300px' ) -- el problemo | how to handle content wrapping?

    -- First row with merged columns | Title
    local tr1 = kas_root:tag('tr')
    :attr('colspan', 2) -- merges 2 columns into 1 cell
            ['text-align'] = 'center',
            ['background-color'] = '#ffdd00',
            ['font-weight'] = 'bold',

    -- Second row | Image
    local tr2 = kas_root:tag('tr')
    	:attr('colspan', 2) -- merges 2 columns into 1 cell
        :wikitext(image1 .. image_desc)
	-- Third row | data | Geboortenaam
    local tr3 = kas_root:tag('tr')
    :wikitext('[[Lêer:Blue pencil.svg|wysig|10px|text-top|class=noviewer|link=' .. .. '#' .. 'P1477' .. ']]')
	-- Fourth row | data | Geboortedatum
    local tr4 = kas_root:tag('tr')
    :wikitext('[[Lêer:Blue pencil.svg|wysig|10px|text-top|class=noviewer|link=' .. .. '#' .. 'P569' .. ']]')
	local geboortedatum = frame:preprocess('{{#statements:P569|from=Q42}}') -- parser functions and other special text must run through frame:preprocess otherwise it will be treated as plain text

	return tostring(kas_root)
end -- end of function

return p    --All modules end by returning the variable containing their functions to Wikipedia.