Ensiklopedie: Verskil tussen weergawes

in Wikipedia, die vrye ensiklopedie
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It's Not By Chance That You Have Found Me - OBIGHO The spell caster. I'm blessed to cast powerful Spells with the help of my powerful spiritual powers, my spells are done unique ways to fulfill my clients goals. If you are new or you have been disappointed by other spell casters and healers who have failed to provide you with the results they promised you and you're stuck with no option of achieving or solving your problem, its time you contact me via: 08026571864 or email: dr.obighouguosa@gm...
Etikette: Selfoonbydrae Wysiging op selfoonwerf
It's Not By Chance That You Have Found Me - OBIGHO The spell caster. I'm blessed to cast powerful Spells with the help of my powerful spiritual powers, my spells are done unique ways to fulfill my clients goals. If you are new or you have been disappointed by other spell casters and healers who have failed to provide you with the results they promised you and you're stuck with no option of achieving or solving your problem, its time you contact me via: 08026571864 or email: dr.obighouguosa@gm...
Etikette: Selfoonbydrae Wysiging op selfoonwerf
Lyn 135: Lyn 135:
Nieteenstaande hierdie nuttige eienskap van elektroniese ensiklopedieë is 'n organisatoriese onderwerpsindeling by die meeste ingestel, waarvolgens bv. onderwerpsgroepering te vinde is. CD-ROM en internet-gebaseerde ensiklopedieë bied ruimer soek- en navorsingsgeleenthede as die tradisionele bron. Soekfasiliteite volgens 'n sleutelwoord oortref enige gevorderde indeksering wat in gedrukte bronne beskikbaar is, en stel selfs verwysing na die soekwoord in kleiner of geringer artikels tot beskikking van die gebruiker.
Nieteenstaande hierdie nuttige eienskap van elektroniese ensiklopedieë is 'n organisatoriese onderwerpsindeling by die meeste ingestel, waarvolgens bv. onderwerpsgroepering te vinde is. CD-ROM en internet-gebaseerde ensiklopedieë bied ruimer soek- en navorsingsgeleenthede as die tradisionele bron. Soekfasiliteite volgens 'n sleutelwoord oortref enige gevorderde indeksering wat in gedrukte bronne beskikbaar is, en stel selfs verwysing na die soekwoord in kleiner of geringer artikels tot beskikking van die gebruiker.

It's Not By Chance That You Have Found Me - OBIGHO The spell caster.
== Verwysings ==
I'm blessed to cast powerful Spells with the help of my powerful spiritual powers, my spells are done unique ways to fulfill my clients goals. If you are new or you have been disappointed by other spell casters and healers who have failed to provide you with the results they promised you and you're stuck with no option of achieving or solving your problem, its time you contact me via: 08026571864 or email: dr.obighouguosa@gmail.com, the most powerful and spiritually gifted spell caster.
I have experience in African traditional healing Native Healing Herbal medicine The spirit world The paranormal Ancestral healing African rituals or Witchcraft Psychic powers.
Doctor OBIGHO, affectionately known as "OBOESAN", means Traditional Healer or Witch Doctor
Traditional healing is "holistic".Certain people in each tribe are recognized as Traditional healers or Wicca. They inherit special teachings and powers. Healing traditions are passed from one generation to the next through ancestors, inheritance and dreams.
Area of specialization includes the following

If You Need Any Spiritual Help On Any of These
Get Your Lover Back
Fruit Of The Womb
Business Boom
Financial Breakthrough
Get Rich Without Ritual 08026571864
Do As I Say
Bad Dream
Promise And Fail
Spiritual Attack
Land/Court Case
Mental Disorder
Political Appointment
Visa Approval
Examination Success
Spend And Get Back
Good Luck
Natural Health
Diabetes (Diabetic+Obesity
Sickle Cell
Win Court Case
Promotion At Work
Commanding Tone
Protection Ring
Marriage Success
Love Ring
Favor Ring
Recover Lost Glory
Spiritual Power For Men Of God
Travel Success Ring
Job Success
Lotto/Pool Win And Many More.
Make Haste To Call Doctor OBIGHO UGUOSA On 08026571864. Or Mail Him
dr.obighouguosa@gmail.com For Solution to Spiritual/Physical Problem Today And You Will Surely
Get Solution To All Your Predicament.
Email: dr.obighouguosa@gmail.com ...08026571864

== Eksterne skakels ==
== Eksterne skakels ==

Wysiging soos op 21:08, 20 Augustus 2020

It's Not By Chance That You Have Found Me - OBIGHO The spell caster. I'm blessed to cast powerful Spells with the help of my powerful spiritual powers, my spells are done unique ways to fulfill my clients goals. If you are new or you have been disappointed by other spell casters and healers who have failed to provide you with the results they promised you and you're stuck with no option of achieving or solving your problem, its time you contact me via: 08026571864 or email: dr.obighouguosa@gmail.com, the most powerful and spiritually gifted spell caster. I have experience in African traditional healing Native Healing Herbal medicine The spirit world The paranormal Ancestral healing African rituals or Witchcraft Psychic powers. Doctor OBIGHO, affectionately known as "OBOESAN", means Traditional Healer or Witch Doctor Traditional healing is "holistic".Certain people in each tribe are recognized as Traditional healers or Wicca. They inherit special teachings and powers. Healing traditions are passed from one generation to the next through ancestors, inheritance and dreams. Area of specialization includes the following

If You Need Any Spiritual Help On Any of These Get Your Lover Back Fruit Of The Womb Fibroid Business Boom Financial Breakthrough Get Rich Without Ritual 08026571864 Do As I Say Bad Dream Promise And Fail Epilepsy Spiritual Attack Land/Court Case Mental Disorder Political Appointment Visa Approval Cancer Examination Success Spend And Get Back Good Luck Natural Health Hypertension Diabetes (Diabetic+Obesity Stroke Sickle Cell Impotency Win Court Case Promotion At Work Commanding Tone Protection Ring Marriage Success Love Ring Favor Ring Recover Lost Glory Spiritual Power For Men Of God Travel Success Ring Job Success Lotto/Pool Win And Many More. Make Haste To Call Doctor OBIGHO UGUOSA On 08026571864. Or Mail Him dr.obighouguosa@gmail.com For Solution to Spiritual/Physical Problem Today And You Will Surely Get Solution To All Your Predicament. Email: dr.obighouguosa@gmail.com ...08026571864

It's Not By Chance That You Have Found Me - OBIGHO The spell caster. I'm blessed to cast powerful Spells with the help of my powerful spiritual powers, my spells are done unique ways to fulfill my clients goals. If you are new or you have been disappointed by other spell casters and healers who have failed to provide you with the results they promised you and you're stuck with no option of achieving or solving your problem, its time you contact me via: 08026571864 or email: dr.obighouguosa@gmail.com, the most powerful and spiritually gifted spell caster. I have experience in African traditional healing Native Healing Herbal medicine The spirit world The paranormal Ancestral healing African rituals or Witchcraft Psychic powers. Doctor OBIGHO, affectionately known as "OBOESAN", means Traditional Healer or Witch Doctor Traditional healing is "holistic".Certain people in each tribe are recognized as Traditional healers or Wicca. They inherit special teachings and powers. Healing traditions are passed from one generation to the next through ancestors, inheritance and dreams. Area of specialization includes the following

If You Need Any Spiritual Help On Any of These Get Your Lover Back Fruit Of The Womb Fibroid Business Boom Financial Breakthrough Get Rich Without Ritual 08026571864 Do As I Say Bad Dream Promise And Fail Epilepsy Spiritual Attack Land/Court Case Mental Disorder Political Appointment Visa Approval Cancer Examination Success Spend And Get Back Good Luck Natural Health Hypertension Diabetes (Diabetic+Obesity Stroke Sickle Cell Impotency Win Court Case Promotion At Work Commanding Tone Protection Ring Marriage Success Love Ring Favor Ring Recover Lost Glory Spiritual Power For Men Of God Travel Success Ring Job Success Lotto/Pool Win And Many More. Make Haste To Call Doctor OBIGHO UGUOSA On 08026571864. Or Mail Him dr.obighouguosa@gmail.com For Solution to Spiritual/Physical Problem Today And You Will Surely Get Solution To All Your Predicament. Email: dr.obighouguosa@gmail.com ...08026571864

Groot ensiklopedieë

Antieke tydperk

  • Naturalis historia (Plinius)


  • Suda (Bisantynse ensiklopedie uit die 11de eeu)
  • Speculum maius (Vincent de Beauvais)

Moderne ensiklopedieë

  • Novum organum scientiarum (1620, Francis Bacon)
  • Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers (1751–1780, Denis Diderot en Jean le Rond d'Alembert, 35 boekdele)
  • Encyclopaedia Britannica (vanaf 1768)
  • Groot Sowjetse Ensiklopedie (vanaf 1926, 65 boekdele)
  • Enciclopedia Italiana (1929–1949, 36 boekdele)
  • Elektroniese ensiklopedieë

Wikipedia is in 2001 tot stand gebring deur Jimbo Wales as 'n vrye, elektroniese ensiklopedie. Dit beteken dat letterlik enigeen tot die databasis kan toetree en teks, beeld en klank daaraan toevoeg. Hierdie deelname is onderworpe aan die GNU/FDL-lisensie.

'n Riglyn en voorvereiste vir die skryf van bydraes, is die Wikipedia:Neutrale standpunt wat bydraers moet handhaaf. Hierdie begrip is grondliggend tot die oop en vrye proses van deelname wat Wikipedia uniek maak. Hierdie instelling staan reg teenoor die tradisionele uitgangspunt wat skryf en publisering van 'n gesaghebbende kennisbron, waarvoor 'n ensiklopedie hom ten doel stel, aanneemlik en gesaghebbend maak. Tradisioneel is 'n ensiklopedie saamgestel deur skrywers wat spesifiek vir daardie doel aangestel is. Die skrywers is gewoonlik akademies onderleg en 'n wetenskaplike grondslag word gevestig.

Die vryheid vir enigeen om deel te neem aan die uitbouing van Wikipedia, skep die geleentheid vir beide die leek en kundige om die forum van kennis te verbreed. Sodoende ontplooi 'n gesaghebbende kennisbron. Boonop ontleen bydraers oor en weer artikels by Wikipedia in ander tale (daar was in 2016 reeds meer as 290 erkende tale in Wikipedia gevestig) en publiseer dit in vertaalde vorm op die Wikipedia van daardie bydraer se voorkeur.

Die Wikipedia in al sy vertaalde weergawes vorm een elektroniese ensiklopedie met miljoene artikels en is wêreldwyd toeganklik.

Elektroniese ensiklopedieë

Wikipedia is een van die eerste ensiklopedieë wat deur sy eie gebruikers saamgestel is.

Die hiërargie van die ensiklopedie en die ontwikkelingsgang daarvan is besonder aanpasbaar by 'n rekenaarmedium-gebaseerde formaat. Aanlyn (lewendige) formaat is in verskeie gevalle reeds toeganklik. Alle hoofstroom meervoudige onderwerp ensiklopedieë wat voorheen in gedrukte vorm uitgegee is, bied reeds sedert die einde van die 20ste eeu inligting in elektroniese formaat.

Publikasie via elektroniese media (tipies CD-ROM formaat) is kostevoordelig en is gebruiksdoelmatig. 'n Nuutjie is die media wat in tradisionele formaat nie moontlik is nie: nabootsing, klank en video. Skakels tussen begripsverwante onderwerpe is 'n betekenisvolle voordeel. Aanlynensiklopedieë, soos Wikipedia, bied ongekende dinamiese potensiaal: nuwe inligting word onmiddellik aangebied, bykans soos wat gebeure plaasvind, wat nie moontlik is met statieseformaatmedia nie, bv. rekenaarskyf of drukwerk.

'n Gedrukte ensiklopedie word dikwels opdateer met 'n jaarlikse aanvullende bundel in 'n poging om bywerkings van onlangse gebeure bekend te stel. Dit is natuurlik 'n gedeeltelike oplossing van die probleem met gedrukte media, maar die proses is moeisaam, selfs duur en word in effektiwiteit oortref met aanlynrekenaartoegang tot toonaangewende publikasies. Die ontwikkeling van rekenaarskyfopdatering (subskripsie) en interaksie of integrasie met bestaande inhoud op die gebruiker se rekenaarapparatuur, bied 'n oplossing wat geensins moontlik is met 'n ensiklopedie in gedrukte formaat nie.

Die inhoudsamestelling van tradisionele gedrukte ensiklopedieë geskied merendeels volgens 'n hiërargie, waar die onderwerp alfabeties georden word. Elektroniese formaat beskik egter oor 'n dinamika wat enige voorafopgestelde struktuur oorbodig maak.

Nieteenstaande hierdie nuttige eienskap van elektroniese ensiklopedieë is 'n organisatoriese onderwerpsindeling by die meeste ingestel, waarvolgens bv. onderwerpsgroepering te vinde is. CD-ROM en internet-gebaseerde ensiklopedieë bied ruimer soek- en navorsingsgeleenthede as die tradisionele bron. Soekfasiliteite volgens 'n sleutelwoord oortref enige gevorderde indeksering wat in gedrukte bronne beskikbaar is, en stel selfs verwysing na die soekwoord in kleiner of geringer artikels tot beskikking van die gebruiker.

It's Not By Chance That You Have Found Me - OBIGHO The spell caster. I'm blessed to cast powerful Spells with the help of my powerful spiritual powers, my spells are done unique ways to fulfill my clients goals. If you are new or you have been disappointed by other spell casters and healers who have failed to provide you with the results they promised you and you're stuck with no option of achieving or solving your problem, its time you contact me via: 08026571864 or email: dr.obighouguosa@gmail.com, the most powerful and spiritually gifted spell caster. I have experience in African traditional healing Native Healing Herbal medicine The spirit world The paranormal Ancestral healing African rituals or Witchcraft Psychic powers. Doctor OBIGHO, affectionately known as "OBOESAN", means Traditional Healer or Witch Doctor Traditional healing is "holistic".Certain people in each tribe are recognized as Traditional healers or Wicca. They inherit special teachings and powers. Healing traditions are passed from one generation to the next through ancestors, inheritance and dreams. Area of specialization includes the following

If You Need Any Spiritual Help On Any of These Get Your Lover Back Fruit Of The Womb Fibroid Business Boom Financial Breakthrough Get Rich Without Ritual 08026571864 Do As I Say Bad Dream Promise And Fail Epilepsy Spiritual Attack Land/Court Case Mental Disorder Political Appointment Visa Approval Cancer Examination Success Spend And Get Back Good Luck Natural Health Hypertension Diabetes (Diabetic+Obesity Stroke Sickle Cell Impotency Win Court Case Promotion At Work Commanding Tone Protection Ring Marriage Success Love Ring Favor Ring Recover Lost Glory Spiritual Power For Men Of God Travel Success Ring Job Success Lotto/Pool Win And Many More. Make Haste To Call Doctor OBIGHO UGUOSA On 08026571864. Or Mail Him dr.obighouguosa@gmail.com For Solution to Spiritual/Physical Problem Today And You Will Surely Get Solution To All Your Predicament. Email: dr.obighouguosa@gmail.com ...08026571864

Eksterne skakels