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Laura Duke Condominas

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Laura Duke Condominas
Geboorte 1951 (73–74 jaar oud)
Nasionaliteit Frans
Beroep(e) Aktrise

Laura Duke Condominas (gebore 1951) is 'n Franse aktrise. Sy is bekend vir haar rolle in die rolprente Lancelot of the Lake (1974), Non si scrive sui muri a Milano (1975), Un rêve plus long que la nuit (1976), en The Night Wears Suspenders (1985).


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  • 1974: Lancelot of the Lake
  • 1975: Non si scrive sui muri a Milano
  • 1976: Un rêve plus long que la nuit
  • 1985: The Night Wears Suspenders
  • 1985: Un film (autoportrait)


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  • 1978: Video 50

Eksterne skakels

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