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Lys van skilderye deur die Pre-Rafaëliete

in Wikipedia, die vrye ensiklopedie
The Beguiling of Merlin, 1874 deur Edward Burne-Jones, tans by die Lady Lever Kunsgalery

Hierdie is 'n lys van skilderye deur lede van die Pre-Rafaëliet Broederskap en ander kunstenaars wat met die broederskap en styl van die Pre-Rafaëliete geassosieer word. Die begrip "Pre-Rafaëliet" word hier op 'n los en inklusiewe wyse gebruik.


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James Collinson

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James CollinsonThe Sisters
  • The Renunciation of St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1850)
  • Answering the Emigrant's Letter (1850)
  • A Son of the Soil (1856)
  • To Let ook bekend as The Landlady (1856)
  • For Sale ook bekend as At the Bazaar (1857)
  • Home Again (1856)
  • The Holy Family (1878)

William Holman Hunt

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William Holman HuntThe Scapegoat, 1854–1856
  • Self-portrait at the Age of 14, (1841), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
  • Love at First Sight (1846)
  • F. G. Stephens (1847), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Christ and the Two Marys ook bekend as The Risen Christ with the Two Marys in the Garden Of Joseph of Aramathea (1847 en 1897), Kunsgalery van Suid-Australië, Adelaide.[1]
  • The Escape of Madeline and Porphyro during the drunkenness attending the revelry (The Eve of St. Agnes) (1848), Guildhall Kunsgalery, Londen
  • Rienzi vowing to obtain justice for the death of his young brother, slain in a skirmish between the Colonna and the Orsini factions (1848–49), versameling van Mev. E. M. Clarke.
  • The Haunted Manor (1849), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Cornfield at Ewell (1849), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • A Converted British Family Sheltering a Christian Missionary from the Persecution of the Druids (1849–50), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
  • Claudio and Isabella (1850–1853), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • The Hireling Shepherd (1851), Manchester Kunsgalery.
  • The Awakening Conscience (1851–1853), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Our English Coasts (1852), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1853), Birmingham Museum en Kunsgalery
  • The Light of the World (1853–54), Keble-kollege, Oxford.
  • The Great Pyramid (1854)
  • The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple (1854–1860), Birmingham Museum en Kunsgallery.
  • The Afterglow in Egypt (1854–63), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
  • The Scapegoat (1854–1856), Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Port Sunlight.
  • The School-girl's Hymn (1858–59), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
  • London Bridge on the Night of the Marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales (1863–64), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
  • The Festival of St. Swithin (The Dovecot) (1865–66), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
  • Il Dolce Far Niente (1866), Forbes Tydskrif-versameling.
  • Isabella and the Pot of Basil (1868), Laing Kunsgalery, Newcastle upon Tyne
  • The Shadow of Death (1870–1873), Manchester Kunsgalery.
  • The Ship (1875)
  • The Plain of Esdralon from the Heights above Nazareth (1877), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
  • Sunset at Chimalditi
  • The Triumph of the Innocents (1883–84), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • The Bride of Bethlehem (1884–85)
  • The Lady of Shalott (met Edward Robert Hughes) (1886–1905), Ella Gallup Sumner en Mary Catlin Sumner-versameling, Wadsworth Atheneum, Connecticut
  • May Morning on Magdalen Tower (1888–1891), Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Port Sunlight.
  • The Nile Postman (1892).
  • The School of Nature (1893), Ponce Kunsmuseum, Puerto Rico.
  • Christ the Pilot (ca. 1894).
  • The Importunate Neighbour (1895).
  • The Miracle of the Holy Fire (1892–1899), Fogg Kunsmuseum, Harvard-universiteit
  • The Beloved (1898).
  • The Light of the World (met Edward Robert Hughes) (1900–1904), St.Paul's Cathedral, Londen.
  • John Hunt, Tate Britain, Londen.
  • John Key , Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Amaryllis
  • Bianca
  • Master Hilary — The Tracer
  • The King of Hearts
  • The Tuscan Straw Plaiter
  • The Apple Harvest — Valley of the Rhone
  • Athens
  • Nazareth
  • H. B. Martineau
  • Henry Wentworth Monk
  • Thomas Fairbairn
  • Sir Richard Owen
  • Harold Rathbone
  • Mrs. George Waugh
  • Emily Waugh Hunt
  • Fanny Waugh Hunt
  • William Holman Hunt
  • Christ amongst the Doctors
  • Isabella

John Everett Millais

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John Everett Millais, Leisure Hours, 1864, Detroit Kunsinstituut
  • Cymon and Iphigenia (1847–48), Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • The Death of Romeo and Juliet (c.1848), Manchester Kunsgalery.
  • Isabella (1848–49), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.[2]
  • Ferdinand Lured by Ariel (1850), Sudley-huis, Liverpool.[3]
  • Christ In The House Of His Parents (1850), Tate Britain, Londen.[4]
  • The Return of the Dove to the Ark (1851), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.[5]
  • A Huguenot (1852), Makins-versameling (privaat).[6]
  • Ophelia (1852), Tate Britain, Londen.[7]
  • The Proscribed Royalist, 1651 (1853), Andrew Lloyd Webber-versameling.[8]
  • The Order of Release (1853), Tate Britain, Londen.[9]
  • Portrait of Annie Miller (1854) Privaatversameling.
  • The Violet's Message (1854), Privaatversameling.
  • Wandering Thoughts (1855), Manchester Kunsgalery.[10]
  • The Rescue (1855), Nasionale Galery van Victoria, Melbourne.[11]
  • Peace Concluded (1856), Minneapolis Kunsinstituut.[12]
  • Autumn Leaves (1856), Die Stad Manchester Kunsgalery.[13]
  • The Blind Girl (1856), Birmingham Museum en Kunsgalery.[14]
  • L'Enfant du Regiment (1856), Yale-Sentrum vir Britse Kuns, Connecticut.[15]
  • A Dream of the Past: Sir Isumbras at the Ford (1857).
  • The Escape of a Heretic (1857), Museo de Arte de Ponce, Puerto Rico.
  • Only a Lock of Hair (1857–58), Die Stad Manchester Kunsgalery.[16]
  • Spring (Apple Blossoms) (1859), Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Liverpool.[17]
  • The Vale of Rest (1859), Tate Britain, Londen.[18]
  • The Black Brunswicker (1860), Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Liverpool.[19]
  • The Ransom (1862), Getty Museum.
  • The Eve of St. Agnes (1863), Koninklike Versameling by Clarence House, Londen.[20]
  • Esther (1865), privaatversameling.
  • Vanessa (1868), Sudley House, Liverpool.[21]
  • Stella (1868), Die Stad Manchester Kunsgalery.[22]
  • The Boyhood of Raleigh (1870), Tate Galery, Londen.[23]
  • A Flood (1870), Die Stad Manchester Kunsgalery.[24]
  • Martyr of Solway (1871), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.[25]
  • The Somnambulist (1871), Bolton Museum en Argiefdienste, Bolton, Groter Manchester.[26]
  • Victory O Lord! (1871), Die Stad Manchester Kunsgalery.[27]
  • Winter Fuel (1873), Die Stad Manchester Kunsgalery.[28]
  • The North-West Passage (1874), Tate Galery, Londen.[29]
  • Mrs Leopold Reiss (1876), Die Stad Manchester Kunsgalery.[30]
  • The Two Princes Edward and Richard in the Tower (1876), Koninklike Holloway Versameling, Universiteit van Londen, Egham.
  • Chill October (1879), The Artchive[31]
  • James Fraser (1880), Die Stad Manchester Kunsgalery.[32]
  • An Idyll of 1745 (1884), Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Liverpool.[33]
  • Bubbles (1886), besit deur Unilever, op uitstalling by die Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Liverpool.[34]
  • The Nest (1887), Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Liverpool.[35]
  • Dew-Drenched Furze (1890), Privaatversameling.[36]
  • Lingering Autumn (1890), Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Liverpool.[37]
  • Glen Birnam (1891), Die Stad Manchester Kunsgalery.[38]
Dante Gabriel RossettiPaolo and Francesca da Rimini, 1867

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

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  • Ecce Ancilla Domini of The Annunciation (1850), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Found (1854), Delaware Kunsmuseum, Wilmington
  • Paolo and Francesca da Rimini (1855), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Dante's Dream on the Day of the Death of Beatrice: 9th of June, 1290 of Dante's Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice (1856), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Bocca Baciata (1860), Museum van Fyn Kunste, Boston.
  • Beata Beatrix (1864), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Venus Verticordia (1864–68), Russell-Cotes Kunsgalery & Museum, Bournemouth
  • The Beloved of The Bride of The King's Daughter (1865–66, 1873), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Monna Vanna of Belcolore (1866), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Sibylla Palmifera of Venus Palmifera (1866–70), Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Port Sunlight.
  • Lady Lilith (1867), Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.[39]
  • Lady Lilith (1868), Delaware Kunsmuseum, Wilmington
  • Pia de' Tolomei (c.1868), Spencer Kunsmuseum, Kansas.
  • Silence (1870), Brooklyn Kunsmuseum, New York.
  • Dante's Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice, (1869–1871), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool
  • Water Willow (1871), Delaware Kunsmuseum, Wilmington
  • The Bower Meadow (1872), Manchester Kunsgalery.
  • Veronica Veronese (1872), Delaware Kunsmuseum, Wilmington
  • La Ghirlandata (1873), Guildhall Kunsgalery, Londen.
  • Proserpine (1874), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Damsel of the Sanct Grael (1874), versameling van Andrew Lloyd-Webber.
  • Roman Widow of Dîs Manibus (1874), Museo de Arte de Ponce, Puerto Rico.
  • La Bella Mano (1875), Delaware Kunsmuseum, Wilmington
  • Astarte Syriaca of Venus Astarte (1876–77), Manchester Kunsgalery.
  • Mnemosyne of Lamp of Memory of Ricordanza (1876–1881), Delaware Kunsmuseum, Wilmington
  • A Sea–Spell (1877), Fogg Kunsmuseum, Harvard-universiteit.
  • A Vision of Fiammetta (1878), Versameling van Andrew Lloyd-Webber.
  • The Day Dream of Monna Primavera (1880), Victoria en Albert Museum, Londen.
  • The Blessed Damozel (1875–1881), Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Port Sunlight.
  • Proserpine (1882), Birmingham Museum & Kunsgalery, Birmingham.

Ander belangrike kunstenaars

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Lawrence Alma-Tadema

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Sien hoofartikel Lawrence Alma-Tadema vir 'n lys van werke.

Ford Madox Brown

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Sien Lys van skilderye deur Ford Madox Brown.
  • Manfred on the Jungfrau (1840–61), Manchester Kunsgalery.[10]
  • Take your Son, Sir! (1851–92, onvoltooid), Tate Britain, Londen.[11]
  • Work (1852–1865), voltooide skildery (1865) Manchester Kunsgalery.[12] en volle studie (1863) in die Birmingham Museum & Kunsgalery[13]
  • The Last of England (1855), Birmingham Museum & Kunsgalery.[14]. 'n Verdere olieverf weergawe (1860) is in die Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge [15] en 'n waterkleur (1864-5) in Tate Britain, Londen.[16]
  • Stages of Cruelty (1856–1890), Manchester Kunsgalery.[17] 1856 waterkleur skets is in Tate Britain, Londen.[18]
  • Cromwell on his Farm (1873–74), Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Liverpool.[19]
  • Cromwell, Protector of the Vaudois (1877), Manchester Kunsgalery.[20]

Edward Burne-Jones

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Edward Burne-Jones, The Princess Tied to the Tree 1866
Sien Lys van skilderye deur Edward Burne-Jones.
  • The Merciful Knight (1863), Birmingham Museum & Kunsgalery, Birmingham.
  • The Beguiling of Merlin (1872–1877), Lady Lever Kunsgalery, Port Sunlight.
  • The Golden Stairs (1880), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • The Last Sleep of Arthur in Avalon (1881), Museo de Arte de Ponce, Puerto Rico.
  • The Mill (1882), Victoria en Albert Museum, Londen.
  • Georgiana Burne-Jones (1883), private versameling (?).[40]
  • King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid (1884), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • The Garden of Pan (c.1886), Nasional Galery van Victoria, Melbourne.
  • The Star of Bethlehem (1887–91), Birmingham Museum & Kunsgalery, Birmingham.
  • The Nativity (1888), Carnegie Kunsmuseum, Pittsburgh.
  • Sponsa de Libano of The Bride of Lebanon (1891), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool
  • Hope (1896), Museum van Fyn Kunste, Boston.

Arthur Hughes

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Arthur HughesOphelia, 1863–64
  • Ophelia (1851–1853)
  • April Love (1855–56), Tate Britain, Londen
  • Home From the Sea (1856–57)
  • The Long Engagement (1859), Birmingham Museum & Kunsgalery
  • Mariana at the window (c.1860s)
  • Knight of the Sun (circa 1861)
  • Home from Sea (1862), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
  • La Belle Dame Sans Merci (1861–1863)
  • Ophelia and He Will Not Come Again (1863–64)
  • The Lady of Shalott (c.1863)
  • Beauty and the Beast (1863–1865)
  • A Music Party (1864)
  • In the Grass (c.1864-65), Sheffield Gallerye en Museums Trust
  • Good Night (1865–66)
  • Sir Galahad, (1870) Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool
  • Endymion (1868–1870)
  • The Enchantress (circa 1870–1874)
  • The Lady of Shalott (c.1872-73)
  • The Convent Boat (1874)
  • A Christmas Carol at Bracken Dene (1878–79)
  • The Property Room (1879)
  • The Heavenly Stair (circa 1887–88)
  • Sir Galahad (circa 1894)
  • The Rescue (1907-08)
  • Overthrowing of the Rusty Knight (circa 1908)
  • Wonderland (1912)
  • Picking up seaweed
  • Returning Home
  • The King's Orchard
  • Will o' the Wisp

Sir Edward John Poynter

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Sien hoofartikel Edward Poynter vir 'n lys van werke.

Geassosieerde kunstenaars

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George Price Boyce

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George Price BoyceA Portrait of Annie Miller, 1854
  • Crypt of St. Nicolas Giornico, Canton Ticino Switzerland (1856)
  • Outside the church of San Nicolo da Mira, Giornico (1856)
  • On the East Lynn, Middleham, North Devon (1858)
  • Streatley Mill at Sunset (1859)
  • From the Garden of Sherford Cottage, Bromyard (c.1860)
  • Autumn in the Welsh Hills (1860), Berger Versameling Opvoedkundige Trust, Denver Kunsmuseum.
  • Pyramids and Sphinx of Ghizeh (1861)
  • The Nile at Gizeh (1861)
  • At Binsey, near Oxford (1862), Cecil Higgins Galery, Bedford.
  • Newcastle from the Rabbit Banks, Gateshead on Tyne (1864)
  • Sandpit near Abinger, Surrey, (1866–67), Walker Kunsgalery, Londen.
  • Abinger Mill-Pond, Surrey – Morning in Late Autumn (1866–67)
  • Study of Ellen Smith, head & shoulders (c.1868)
  • Pensosa d'Altrui (1869)
  • The Royal Oak, Bettws-y-Coed
  • Beeches
  • Timber Yard, Chiddingstone
  • East-end of Edward Confessor's Chapel, Westminster

John Brett

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  • The Glacier of Rosenlaui (1856), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • The Stonebreaker (1857–58), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • Val d'Aosta (1858)
  • Florence from Bellosguardo (1863), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Lady with a Dove: Madame Loeser (1864), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • The British Channel Seen from the Dorsetshire Cliffs (1871), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Rocks: Scilly (1873), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • Britannia's Realm (1880), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Ramsgate Sands (1894)
  • From the Balcony, Cliff Cottage, Lee (1896)
  • Trevose Head (1897), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.

James Campbell

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James CampbellThe Dragon’s Den, 1854
  • The Lollipop (1855), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Girl with Jug of Ale and Pipes (1856), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • The Dragon's Den (1854), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • Waiting for Legal Advice (1857), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • The Wife's Remonstrance (1857–58), Birmingham Museum & Kunsgalery.
  • Our Village Clockmaker Solving a Problem (1859)
  • News from My Lad (1859), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • Twilight – Trudging Homewards
  • Home and Rest

John Collier

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John CollierLady Godiva ~1898, Herbert Kunsgalery & Museum
  • The Artist's Wife (1880)
  • Last Voyage Of Henry Hudson (1881), Tate Britain, Londen.[41]
  • Clytemnestra after the Murder (1882), Guildhall Kunsgalery, Londen.
  • The Pharaoh's Handmaidens (1883), Private Versameling
  • The Priestess of Bacchus (1885–1889)
  • Lilith (1887) Atkinson Kunsgalery en Biblioteek, Southport.[42]
  • The Water Baby (1890)
  • Horace and Lydia (1890)
  • Priestess of Delphi (1891) Kunsgalery van Suid-Australië, Adelaide, Australië.[43]
  • In the Forest of Arden (1892)
  • Lady Hallé (1895)
  • The Laboratory (1895), Private Versameling.
  • The Death of Albine (1895)
  • Pope Urban VI (1896)
  • Lady Godiva (c. 1898), Herbert Kunsgallery & Museum, Coventry.
  • Queen Guinevre's Maying (1900), Cartwright Hall, Bradford
  • In the Venusberg (1901), weergawe op doek by die Atkinson Kunsgalery en Biblioteek, Southport.[44] Weergawe op bord deel van 'n private versameling.[45]
  • The Plague (1902)
  • The Prodigal Daughter (1903)
  • The Sinner (1904), Victoria Kunsgalery, Bath, Somerset
  • Sentence of Death (1908)
  • The Land Baby (1909)
  • The White Devil (1909)
  • Angela McInnes (1914), Nasionale Galery van Victoria, Melbourne, Australië
  • The Grand Lady (1920)
  • The Water Nymph (1923)
  • Mrs Huxley (1927–28), Tate Britain, Londen.[46]
  • Portrait of the Artist's Daughter (1929)
  • Shopping for Silks
  • Sleeping Beauty
  • Spring
  • Ellen Terry
  • Hetty Sorrell
  • The Death of Cleopatra, Galery Oldham
  • The Brotherhood of Man, Potteries Museum & Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent
  • Reclining Woman, Private Versameling

Charles Allston Collins

[wysig | wysig bron]
  • Berengaria's Alarm (1850)
  • Convent Thoughts (1851)
  • May, in the Regent's Park (1851)
  • The Devout Childhood of St Elizabeth of Hungary

Frank Cadogan Cowper

[wysig | wysig bron]
  • Rapunzel (1900)
  • Hamlet – The churchyard scene (1902)
  • Francis of Assisi and the Heavenly Melody (1904)
  • St Agnes in Prison Receiving from Heaven the Shining White Garment (1905)
  • La Belle Dame Sans Merci (1905)
  • Molly, Duchess of Nona (1905)
  • Mariana in the South (1906)
  • Vanity (1907)
  • How the Devil, Disguised (1907)
  • Erasmus and Thomas More Visit the Children of Henry VII at Greenwich (1908)
  • Lucretia Borgia Reigns in the Vatican in the Absence of Pope Alexander VI (1908–14)
  • Venetian Ladies Listening to the Serenade (1909)
  • The Love Letter (1911)
  • The Hon. Mrs. Hanbury-Tracy (1914)
  • Our Lady of the Fruits of the Earth (1917)
  • The Blue Bird (1918)
  • The Cathedral Scene from 'Faust': Margaret tormented by the Evil Spirit (1919)
  • Vanity (1919)
  • Fair Rosamund and Eleanor (1920)
  • The Damsel of the Lake (1924)
  • La Belle Dame Sans Merci (1926)
  • Titania Sleeps (1928)
  • Sir Havilland De Sausmarez (1930)
  • Mrs. Albert S. Kerry (1930)
  • Pamela, Daughter of Lieut. Col. M. F. Halford (1930)
  • La Belle Dame Sans Merci (1946)
  • The Ugly Duckling (1950)
  • The Legend of Sir Perceval (1952–53)
  • The Four Queens Find Lancelot Sleeping (1954)
  • Elizabeth, Daughter of Major General F V B Willis (1955)
  • The Golden Bowl (1956)
  • Self-Portrait (1957)
  • The Patient Griselda
  • Portrait of Professor Rey
  • Lancelot Slays the Caitiff Knight Sir Tarquin
  • Eve

William Davis

[wysig | wysig bron]
  • Bidston Marsh at Wallasey (1853)
  • Shotwick Church, Cheshire (1855)
  • Early Spring Evening, Cheshire (1855)
  • A Dark Roan Bull (1859)
  • Hale, Lancashire (c.1860), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • View from Bidston Hill (c.1865), Walker kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • A Day's Sport at Bidston Hill (c.1865), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Carving His Name
  • A Field of Corn
  • Wallasey Mill, Cheshire

Walter Howell Deverell

[wysig | wysig bron]
  • A Pet (1853)
  • The Grey Parrot (1852–53)
  • The Mock Marriage of Orlando and Rosalind (1853)
  • Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene IV (1850)

Frank Bernard Dicksee

[wysig | wysig bron]
Frank Bernard DickseeChivalry, 1885
  • Elopement (1872)
  • Harmony (1877)
  • Miranda (1878)
  • The Symbol (1881)
  • The Foolish Virgins (1883)
  • Spring Maiden (1884)
  • Romeo and Juliet (1884)
  • Chivalry (1885)
  • Hesperia (1887)
  • Portrait of a Woman (1887)
  • Beatrice (1888)
  • The Crisis (1891)
  • Startled (1892)
  • Leila (1892)
  • Passion (1892)
  • Funeral of a Viking (1893)
  • Paolo and Francesca (1894)
  • The Magic Crystal (1894)
  • The Mirror (1896)
  • The Confession (1896)
  • Dawn (1897)
  • An Offering (1898)
  • Portrait of a Lady (c.1900)
  • The Two Crowns (1900)
  • Yseult (1901)
  • La Belle Dame Sans Merci (1903)
  • The Mother (1907)
  • Flowers of June (1909)
  • The Shadowed Face (1909)
  • Portrait of Maude Moore (1913)
  • Camille, Daughter of Sutton Palmer, Esq (1914)
  • Dorothy (1917)
  • Portrait of Agnes Mallam (Mrs Edward Foster) (1921)
  • The End of the Quest (1921)
  • Mrs. Norman Holbrook (1924)
  • Portrait of Elsa (1927)
  • Sylvia
  • Portrait of Dora
  • Resurgam
  • Reverie
  • The Duet
  • The Emblem
  • The Reverie
  • Cleopatra

William Gale

[wysig | wysig bron]
  • Entry of Christ into Jerusalem
Edward Robert HughesMidsummer Eve, 1908

John Lee

[wysig | wysig bron]
  • Going to Market (1860), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • Sweethearts and Wives (1860), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.

Edmund Leighton

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Edmund LeightonGod Speed!, 1900

Joseph Noel Paton

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Sir Joseph Noel PatonThe Quarrel of Oberon and Titania, 1849
  • The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania (1849)
  • The Reconciliation of Oberon and Titania (1847)
  • The Pursuit of Pleasure (1855)
  • The Bluidie Tryst (1855)
  • Hesperus (1857)
  • In Memoriam (1858)
  • Oskold and the Ell-maids (1874)
  • In Die Malo (1882)
  • How an Angel rowed Sir Galahad across the Dern Mere (1888)
  • Oberon and the Mermaid (1888)
  • Warriors
  • Sir Galahad
  • Lux in Tenebris (1879)

Frederick Sandys

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(Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys)

Frederick SandysQueen Eleanor, 1858
  • Mrs Sandys, the artist's mother (laat 1840s), Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
  • Self-Portrait in a broad-brimmed Hat (1848), Private Versameling.[47]
  • Study of Miss Sandys (1849), Private Versameling.[45]
  • Portrait of a Young Man (voor 1850), Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.[48]
  • Emma Sandys, the artist's sister (1853–1855), Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.[49]
  • Queen Eleanor (1858), Nasionale Museum van Wallis.[50]
  • Mary Magdalene (1858–1860), Delaware Kunsmuseum, Wilmington. Gelys by die Bridgeman Kunsbiblioteek.[45]
  • Portrait of Adelaide Mary, Mrs Philip Bedingfeld (1859), Norwich Kasteel Museum en Kunsgalery.[51]
  • Portrait of Mrs Clabburn (1860), Norwich Kasteel Museum en Kunsgalery.[52]
  • Autumn (1860–1862) Norwich Kasteel Museum en Kunsgalery.[53]
  • Oriana (1861), Tate Britain, Londen.[54]
  • King Pelles' Daughter bearing the Sancgraal (1861), Private Versameling.[55]
  • Mary Magdalene (1862), Norwich Kasteel Museum en Kunsgalery.[56]
  • La Belle Isolde (1862), Private Versameling.[45]
  • Mrs. Susanna Rose (1862), Cleveland Museum van Kuns.[57]
  • Viven (1863), Manchester Kunsgalery.[58]
  • Morgan le Fay (1864), Birmingham Museum & Kunsgalery.[59]
  • Portrait of Jane Lewis, born 19 January 1793 (1864), Private Versameling.[45]
  • Gentle Spring (1865), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.[60]
  • Perdita (1866), Private Versameling.[45]
  • Grace Rose (1866), Yale Sentrum vir Britse Kuns.[45]
  • Helen of Troy (1867), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • Love's Shadow (1867), Private Versameling.[55]
  • Medea (1868), Birmingham Museum & Kunsgalery.[61]
  • Miranda (1868), Private Versameling.[45]
  • Valkyrie (1868–1873)
  • The Coral Necklace (1871), Cleveland Museum van Kuns.[62]
  • Cassandra, Private Versameling.[45]
  • Portrait of a woman with red hair, Private Versameling.[45]
  • Darby, a Yorkshire Terrier, Private Versameling.[45]
  • Berenice, Queen of Egypt, Leighton House Museum, Londen.[45]
  • Portrait of Philip Bedingfeld LL.D, JP (ongedateer), Norwich Kasteel Museum en Kunsgalery.[63]

Thomas Seddon

[wysig | wysig bron]
  • In the Desert (1854), private versameling.[64]
  • The Mountains of Moab (1854), Tate Britain, Londen.[65]
  • Jerusalem and the Valley of Jehoshaphat from the Hill of Evil Counsel (1854–55), Tate Britain, Londen.[66]
  • View on the Nile (1855), Tate Britain, Londen.[67]
  • Pyramids at Gizeh (1855), private versameling.[68]
  • Mount Zion, private versameling.
  • The Citadel of Cairo, private versameling.

Simeon Solomon

[wysig | wysig bron]
Simeon SolomonAutumn
  • I am starving (1857), Nasionale Kunsgalery, Washington D.C. VSA
  • Self Portrait (1859)
  • Love in Autumn (1860)
  • Moses (1860)
  • The Painter's Pleasaunce (1861)
  • Meschach and Abednego preserved from the Burning Fiery Furnace (1863)
  • Priestess offering Poppies (1864)
  • Bacchus (1867)
  • In the Temple of Venus (1863)
  • Damon and Aglae (1866)
  • Love in Autumn (1866)
  • Bacchus (1867)
  • Carrying the Scrolls of the Law (1867)
  • Bacchus (1868)
  • Pastoral Lovers (1869)
  • The Toilet of a Roman Lady (1869), Delaware Kunsmuseum, Wilmington, VSA
  • The Sleepers, and the One that Watcheth (1870)
  • Love Dreaming by the Sea (1871)
  • King Solomon (c.1873), Nasionale Kunsgalery, Washington D.C., VSA
  • The Head of Medusa (1884)
  • Erinna of Lesbos (1886)
  • The Virgin Knight (1887)
  • Night (1890)
  • Night and Her Child Asleep (1892)
  • Angel Boy (1895)
  • The Angel of Death (1895)
  • Hypnos, the god of sleep
  • The meeting of Dante and Beatrice
  • Mercury
  • One Watching in the Night
  • Potens
  • A Prelude by Bach
  • Rabbi Carrying the Torah
  • Sleep
  • Twilight, Pity and Death
  • Young Man holding Lord's Prayer
  • Youth Reciting Tales to Ladies

John Roddam Spencer Stanhope

[wysig | wysig bron]
  • Penelope (1849)
  • Sir Gawaine and the Damsels at the Fountain (1857)
  • Thoughts of the Past (1859)
  • Robin of Modern Times (1860)
  • Juliet and Her Nurse (1863)
  • The Wine Press (1864)
  • Our Lady of the Water Gate (1870)
  • Procris and Cephalus
  • Love and the Maiden (1877)
  • Night (1878)
  • The Waters of Lethe by the Plains of Elysium (1879–80)
  • The Shulamite (c.1882)
  • Charon and Psyche (c. 1883)
  • Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Dead? (c. 1886; ook bekend as Resurrection)
  • Eve Tempted (1887)
  • The Pine Woods of Viareggio (1888)
  • Flora (1889)
  • Holy Trinity Main Altar Polyptych (1892–1894)
  • Holy Trinity Memorial Chapel Polyptych (1892–1894)
  • The Escape (c. 1900)

Ander werke (datums onbekend):

  • Andromeda
  • Autumn
  • Charcoal Thieves
  • Cupid and Psyche
  • In Memoriam
  • Love Betrayed (Die Russell Cotes Galery, Bournemouth)
  • The Millpond (waterkleur met Gouache)
  • Patience On A Monument Smiling At Grief
  • The Vision Of Ezekiel: The Valley Of Dry Bones
  • The Washing Place
  • The White Rabbit

John William Waterhouse

[wysig | wysig bron]
John William WaterhouseThe Lady of Shalott, 1888
Sien Lys van skilderye deur John William Waterhouse.
  • The Unwelcome Companion: A Street Scene in Cairo (1873), Towneley Hall Art Gallery, Burnley.[21]
  • Sleep and his Half-brother Death (1874), private versameling.[22]
  • The Favourites of the Emperor Honorius (1883), Kunsgalery van Suid-Australië, Adelaide.[23]
  • Consulting the Oracle (1884), Tate, Londen.[24]
  • Saint Eulalia (1885), Tate, Londen.[25]
  • Esther Kenworthy Waterhouse (c. 1885), Stad Sheffield Kunsgalerye, Sheffield.[26]
  • The Magic Circle (1886), Tate, Londen.[27]
  • The Lady of Shalott (1888), Tate, Londen.[28]
  • Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses (1891), Galery Oldham, Oldham.[29]
  • Circe Invidiosa (1892), Kunsgallery van Suid-Australië, Adelaide.[30]
  • Hylas and the Nymphs (1896)
  • The Siren (c. 1900), private versameling.[31]
  • The Crystal Ball (1902), private versameling.[32]
  • Boreas (1903), private versameling.[33]
  • Echo and Narcissus (1903), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.[34]
  • Danaïdes (1904), private versameling.[35]
  • Jason and Medea (1907), private versameling.[36]
  • Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May (1908), private versameling.[37]
  • Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May (1909), Odon Wagner Galery, Toronto.[38]
  • Circe (The Sorceress) (1911), private versameling.[39]
  • I am Half-Sick of Shadows, said the Lady of Shalott (1916), Kunsgalery van Ontario, Toronto.[40]
  • Dante and Beatrice (c.1915), Dahesh Museum, New York.[41]

Daniel Alexander Williamson

[wysig | wysig bron]
  • Cows Going Home (1859)
  • Spring (1859)
  • Morecambe Bay from Warton Crag (1862), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • Coniston Old Man from Warton Crag (1863), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • The Coot's Haunt, Broughton in Furness (1863–64)
  • A Grey Day (1865), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.

William Lindsay Windus

[wysig | wysig bron]
  • The Black Boy (c.1844), Walker Kunsgalery, Liverpool.
  • Too Late (1858), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Study of a Dead Child, the Artist's Son (1860), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • The Flight of Henry VI from Towton (c. 1860–1870), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • The Outlaw (1861), Manchester Kunsgalery.
  • The Second Duchess (voor 1866), Tate Britain, Londen.
  • Mrs Teed, the Artist's Daughter (c.1880), Tate Britain, Londoen.
  • Samuel Teed (datum onbekend), Manchester Kunsgalery.
  • Burd Helen
  • The Stray Lamb


[wysig | wysig bron]
  1. [1] Geargiveer 20 September 2006 op Wayback Machine
  2. "The Pre-Raphaelites at National Museums Liverpool, Liverpool museums" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Junie 2009. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  3. "argiefkopie" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 11 Februarie 2007. Besoek op 12 April 2007.
  4. "Christ in the House of His Parents ('The Carpenter's Shop'), Sir John Everett Millais, Bt". Tate. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  5. "The Return of the Dove to the Ark (work by Millais) – Encyclopædia Britannica" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 31 Oktober 2014. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  6. "Millais' A Huguenot from The Makins Collection :: ArtMagick Exhibition Listings". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 10 Junie 2015. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  7. "Ophelia, Sir John Everett Millais, Bt". Tate. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  8. "Sir John Everett Millais, The Proscribed Royalist 1651, 1853 | Arts" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 15 Mei 2012. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  9. "The Order of Release 1746, Sir John Everett Millais, Bt" (in Engels). Tate. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 4 Augustus 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  10. "Manchester City Galleries – Search the collection" (in Engels). 7 Julie 2006. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  11. "argiefkopie" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 19 Mei 2010. Besoek op 12 April 2007.
  12. "Minneapolis Institute of Arts – The Collection". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 10 Mei 2013. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  13. "Manchester City Galleries – Search the collection" (in Engels). 7 Julie 2006. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  14. Severn Internet Services – "Oil Painting – The Blind Girl – Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery Information Centre" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 31 Desember 2019. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  15. "Sir John Everett Millais (1829–1898)" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 12 Junie 2016. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  16. "Manchester City Galleries – Search the collection" (in Engels). 7 Julie 2006. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  17. (in Engels) Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 5 Junie 2013. Besoek op 12 April 2007. {{cite web}}: Ontbrekende of leë |title= (hulp)
  18. "The Vale of Rest, Sir John Everett Millais, Bt" (in Engels). Tate. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 4 Augustus 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  19. [2] Geargiveer 11 Februarie 2007 op Wayback Machine
  20. In die studeerkamer van Koningin Elizabeth soos waargeneem deur die beeldhouer John Robinson in sy outobiografie, "From the Beginning Onwards--The Autobiography of John Robinson" (PDF). p. 365.
  21. [3] Geargiveer 11 Februarie 2007 op Wayback Machine
  22. "Manchester City Galleries – Search the collection" (in Engels). 7 Julie 2006. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  23. "The Boyhood of Raleigh, Sir John Everett Millais, Bt". Tate. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  24. "Manchester City Galleries – Search the collection" (in Engels). 7 Julie 2006. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  25. (in Engels) Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 19 Januarie 2013. Besoek op 12 April 2007. {{cite web}}: Ontbrekende of leë |title= (hulp)
  26. "Archived copy" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 8 Februarie 2012. Besoek op 22 Augustus 2007.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  27. "Manchester City Galleries – Search the collection" (in Engels). 7 Julie 2006. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  28. "Manchester City Galleries – Search the collection" (in Engels). 7 Julie 2006. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  29. "The North-West Passage, Sir John Everett Millais, Bt". Tate. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  30. "Manchester City Galleries – Search the collection" (in Engels). 7 Julie 2006. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  31. "Millais: Chill October". Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  32. "Manchester City Galleries – Search the collection" (in Engels). 7 Julie 2006. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  33. (in Engels) Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 17 Oktober 2012. Besoek op 12 April 2007. {{cite web}}: Ontbrekende of leë |title= (hulp)
  34. "Artwork highlights – Bubbles, by Sir John Everett Millais" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 3 Februarie 2006. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  35. "argiefkopie" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 19 Augustus 2012. Besoek op 13 April 2007.
  36. "Sir John Everett Millais. Dew-Drenched Furze – Olga's Gallery" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 29 Augustus 2018. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  37. [4] Geargiveer 11 Februarie 2007 op Wayback Machine
  38. "Manchester City Galleries – Search the collection" (in Engels). 7 Julie 2006. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  39. Metropolitan Museum of Art
  40. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 28 Maart 2006. Besoek op 24 April 2007. {{cite web}}: Ontbrekende of leë |title= (hulp)
  41. "The Last Voyage of Henry Hudson, The Hon. John Collier". Tate. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  42. "" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 8 November 2019. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  43. "Archived copy". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 16 Februarie 2009. Besoek op 9 Februarie 2009.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  44. "Archived copy". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 31 Julie 2007. Besoek op 7 Mei 2007.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
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  46. "Mrs Huxley, The Hon. John Collier". Tate. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  47. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 27 Maart 2007. Besoek op 18 April 2007. {{cite web}}: Ontbrekende of leë |title= (hulp)
  48. "Fitzwilliam Museum – OPAC Record" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 7 Maart 2016. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  49. "Fitzwilliam Museum – OPAC Record" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 7 Maart 2016. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  50. "Art Collections Online | National Museum Wales". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 5 Februarie 2012. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  51. "Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery Sandys Collections". 26 Februarie 1942. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2012. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  52. "Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery Sandys Collections". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 10 Mei 2006. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  53. "Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery Sandys Collections". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 7 Februarie 2012. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  54. "Oriana, Frederick Sandys". Tate. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  55. 55,0 55,1 [5] Geargiveer 27 Maart 2007 op Wayback Machine
  56. "Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery Sandys Collections". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2012. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
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  58. "Manchester City Galleries – Search the collection" (in Engels). 7 Julie 2006. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 6 Maart 2011. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  59. Severn Internet Services – "Oil Painting – Morgan-le-Fay – Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery Information Centre" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 31 Desember 2019. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  60. "argiefkopie" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 20 Mei 2007. Besoek op 18 April 2007.
  61. Severn Internet Services – "Oil Painting – Medea – Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery Information Centre" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 31 Desember 2019. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  62. [7]
  63. "Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery Sandys Collections". 26 Januarie 1942. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 7 Februarie 2012. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  64. [8]
  65. "The Mountains of Moab, Thomas Seddon". Tate. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  66. "Jerusalem and the Valley of Jehoshaphat from the Hill of Evil Counsel, Thomas Seddon". Tate. Besoek op 15 November 2013.
  67. "argiefkopie" (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 20 Mei 2007. Besoek op 24 April 2007.
  68. [9]