Hierdie kategorie is vir {{{1}}}.

[wysig bron]Mnemonically Category explanation.
This template is meant to be a brief explanation of a category.
Template contents
[wysig bron]This category is for {{{1}}}.
Where the parameter {{{1}}} can be any text, including text with links.
[wysig bron]Standard usage
[wysig bron]Usage:
{{Kategorieverduideliking|an explanation without a period at the end}}
Hierdie kategorie is vir an explanation without a period at the end.
Ending with period
[wysig bron]Usage:
{{Kategorieverduideliking|an explanation with a period at the end.}}
Hierdie kategorie is vir an explanation with a period at the end.
Leading/trailing spaces
[wysig bron]Usage:
Hierdie kategorie is vir an explanation with leading and trailing spaces.
Hierdie kategorie is vir an explanation with leading and trailing spaces.
[wysig bron]{{About cat}}
{{Cat about}}
{{Category about}}
{{Cat exp}}
See also
[wysig bron]- Sien ook: Wikipedia:Hatnote#Categories
{{Cat main}}
{{Cat more}}
{{Category main section}}
{{Category see also}}
Die bostaande dokumentasie is ingesluit vanaf Sjabloon:Kategorieverduideliking/doc. (wysig | geskiedenis) Redigeerders kan eksperimenteer in hierdie sjabloon se sandput (skep | spieël) en toetsgevalle (skep) blaaie. Plaas asseblief kategorieë op die /doc-subbladsy. Subbladsye vir die sjabloon. |