
Hierdie sjabloon word gebruik vir nukliede en isotope, veral in formules.
[wysig bron]{{Enkelnuklied|koolstof}}
12C {{Enkelnuklied|koolstof|14}}
14C {{Enkelnuklied|link=yes|Koolstof}}
12C {{Enkelnuklied|anti=yes|Koolstof}}
12C {{Enkelnuklied|link=yes|Koolstof|14}}
14C {{Enkelnuklied|Koolstof|12|m}}
12mC {{KomplekseNuklied|Koolstof|12|m|charge=2+}}
[wysig bron]Die volgende sjablone werk saam:
- {{Element}}
- {{Enkelnuklied}}
- {{KomplekseNuklied}}
- {{Fisikadeeltjie}}
- {{TjekElement}}
- {{SimboolVirElement}}
- {{SkakelVirElement}}
- {{ProtoneVirElement}}
- {{NeutroneVirElement}}
Aantekeninge uit die Engelse skabloon
[wysig bron]Arguments
[wysig bron]All the templates accept the same arguments.
1 The name of the element for which to return the isotope symbol 2
(optional)The mass number for the isotope.
The defaults value is the mass number of the most common or stable isotope.3
(optional)A string to indicate a nuclear isomer ("m", "m2", etc...) where the nucleus in an excited state.
This argument does not require the mass number to be
(optional)Automatically creates a link to the relevant page for the element or isotope.
This page may not yet exist for some isotopes, in that case you are encouraged to create the page or create a redirect to “Isotopes of element name”.anti=yes
(optional)Specify the element is made of anti-matter and that the symbol should therefore be marked with an overline. charge=...
(optional)Specify the charge of an ionized atom. m
(optional)Specifies that the atoms is a nuclear isomer.
[wysig bron]- All of these templates use {{ProtoneVirElement}} to check if the element name is valid and, if the link=yes argument is used, check if you're not using the generic "X" or "element".
- Some of these templates use {{ProtoneVirElement}} to get the element number for a given element.
- Some of these templates use {{NeutroneVirElement}} to get the default number of neutrons for a given element.
- Some of these templates use both {{ProtoneVirElement}} and {{NeutroneVirElement}} to get the default mass number for a given element.
- These templates use {{SkakelVirElement}} to get the page to link to if the link=yes argument is used.
- These templates use {{Fisikadeeltjie}} to create the HTML output in order to maintain a similar look and feel for all physics symbols.
Die bostaande dokumentasie is ingesluit vanaf Sjabloon:KomplekseNuklied/doc. (wysig | geskiedenis) Redigeerders kan eksperimenteer in hierdie sjabloon se sandput (skep | spieël) en toetsgevalle (skep) blaaie. Plaas asseblief kategorieë op die /doc-subbladsy. Subbladsye vir die sjabloon. |