Sjabloon:Str rightc

[wysig bron]{{str rightc|<string>|<count>}}
{{str rightc|<string>|<count>|<result if empty>}}
Gives a substring of length <count> characters from the right-side end of the string, or, if provided, returns <result if empty> when string is empty.
[wysig bron]{{str rightc |Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |10}}
→ r sit amet{{str rightc |Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |1}}
→ t{{str rightc |Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |0}}
→{{str rightc | |1 |string is empty}}
→ string is empty{{str rightc |123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.1 |99}}
→ 3456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.1
[wysig bron]Gives the right most <count> characters of a string.
Parameter | Beskrywing | Soort | Status | |
String | 1 | The string to be trimmed | String | verpligtend |
Count | 2 | The number of characters from the right to return | Nommer | verpligtend |
result if empty | 3 | The result if the string is empty | String | opsioneel |
See also
[wysig bron]- {{str right}}
- {{str rightmost}}
- {{str left}}
Sjabloon:String-handling templates
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