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in Wikipedia, die vrye ensiklopedie
Hallo Gemini1980, hartlik welkom op die Afrikaanse Wikipedia! Message in English Bericht in het Nederlands
Dankie vir jou belangstelling in Wikipedia. Ons werk hier aan die ideaal van ’n gratis en vrylik beskikbare, vrylik bewerkbare, neutrale en volledige ensiklopedie.
Die Afrikaanse Wikipedia bestaan al sedert Desember 2001 en bevat reeds 120 869 artikels. Vanaf die begin van die projek het die gebruikers ’n aantal riglyne en uitgangspunte vir artikelbewerking en onderlinge samewerking opgestel. Nuwelinge kan hieruit voordeel trek. Jy mag dit behulpsaam vind om van die skakels in hierdie raampie te volg en met die projek vertroud te raak voordat jy begin bydra. Indien jou vingers jeuk om te eksperimenteer, kan jy gerus ons Sandput besoek: dit is juis vir die rede daar. Uiteindelik wil ons dat al ons gebruikers vry voel om hulle gang te gaan, maar dit doen natuurlik geen kwaad om ’n bietjie houvas te kry voor 'n mens in die diep kant in spring nie! Besoek gerus ook ons Geselshoekie, ons gebruikers staan gereed om hand by te sit, of bloot net hand te skud.
Die eerste van Wikipedia se drie kernbeleide
Die gewilde bymekaarkomplek
Geen oorspronklike navorsing
Die tweede van Wikipedia se drie kernbeleide
Eksperimenteer na hartelus
Neutrale standpunt
Die derde van Wikipedia se drie kernbeleide
Hoe maak ek: teks wat skuinsgedruk is? ’n opskrif? tabelle?
Wat Wikipedia nie is nie
Daar is ook ’n paar dinge wat ons nié hier doen nie
As jy beelde wil oplaai
Ken jou maniere
Wenke vir die skryf van ’n goeie artikel
Soms sê die naam alles

Hierdie bladsy, wat nou op jou skerm vertoon word, is trouens jou persoonlike besprekingsbladsy. Die plek waar ander Wikipediane jou in die toekoms kan kontak en jy hulle dan kan beantwoord. Elke gebruiker het so ’n bladsy. Jy kan dus ook boodskappe op ander gebruikers se besprekingsbladsye los. Sluit boodskappe en besprekings altyd af met ~~~~ of deur op die handtekeningknop in die wysigingsvenster te kliek: sodoende word jou boodskap onderteken met jou gebruikersnaam en die datum en tyd waarop die boodskap gestuur is. Kliek dan laastens op "Publiseer wysigings" om enige bewerkings te stoor.

Jcwf (kontak) 04:37, 9 Maart 2011 (UTC)[antwoord]

Invitation to Medical Translation

[wysig bron]

Medical Translation Project

Invitation to the Medical Translation Project – a joint Wikimedia project started by the English language WikiProject Medicine!

Thank you for being one of the top Medical editors! I want to use this opportunity to introduce you to our most ambitious project.

We want to use Wikipedia to spread knowledge where it will be used. Studies have shown that Wikipedia is the most common resource of medical knowledge, and used by more people than any other source! We want high quality articles, available to everyone, regardless of language ability. It isn't right that you would need to know a major language to get hold of quality content!

That is why in the recent Ebola crisis (which is still ongoing) we translated information into over 70 languages, many of them small African languages. This was important, as Wikipedia was also shown to be the biggest resource used in Africa for information on Ebola! We see tremendous potential, but also great risks as our information needs to be accurate and well-researched. We only translate articles that have been reviewed by medical doctors and experts, so that what we translate is correct. Many of our translators are professionals, but many are also volunteers, and we need more of you guys – both to translate, but also to import finished translations, and fix grammatical or other style issues that are introduced by the translation process.

Our articles are not only translated into small languages, but also to larger ones, but as of 2015 this requires users to apply for an article to be translated, which can be done here (full articles, short articles) with an easy to manage google document.

So regardless of your background head over to our main page for more information, or to our talk page and ask us questions. Feel free to respond in any language, we will do our best to find some way to communicate. No task is too small, and we need everyone to help out!

I hope you will forgive me for sending this message in English – we also need translators for messages like this, and above all local language community managers, which act as a link between us and you. Also I can not reply on your talk page, so please go to our talk page!

Thank you for helping medical information on Wikipedia grow! -- CFCF 🍌 (email) 15:37, 28 January 2015 (UTC)

Google Translation of this message