Sjabloon:Multiple image2/doc
Hierdie sjabloon skep 'n kassie met tussen twee en 10 foto's, wat óf vertikaal óf horisontaal gerangskik is met onderskrifte vir die hele kassie of vir elke foto.
Met die regte keuse van parameters kan die sjabloon die grootte van die foto's outomaties verander sodat hulle 'n totale breedte en dieselfde hoogte het.
As die breedteparameters uitgelaat word, sal al die foto's 200px breed wees. Beelde kan dan buite verhouding lyk in vergelyking met die ander foto's op die blad.
Sintaks en parameters
[wysig bron]Provide height[n] and total_width parameters to obtain automatic resizing. Note the different meanings of the width[n] parameters with vs. without automatic resizing. Please also note the option to set a total_width parameter at the beginning of the multiple image template.
- Geen outomatiese verandering van foto's se grootte nie
{{Multiple image2 <!-- Layout parameters --> | align = <!-- right (default), left, center, none --> | direction = <!-- horizontal (default), vertical --> | background color = <!-- box background as a 'hex triplet' web color prefixed by # e.g. #33CC00 --> | width = <!-- displayed width of each image in pixels (an integer, omit "px" suffix); overrides "width[n]"s below --> | caption_align = <!-- left (default), center, right --> | image_style = <!-- border:1; (default) --> | image_gap = <!-- 5 (default)--> <!-- Header --> | header_background = <!-- header background as a 'hex triplet' web color prefixed by # e.g. #33CC00 --> | header_align = <!-- center (default), left, right --> | header = <!-- header text --> <!--image 1--> | image1 = <!-- filename only, i.e. without "File:" or "Image:" prefix --> | width1 = <!-- displayed width of image; overridden by "width" above --> | alt1 = | link1 = | thumbtime1 = | caption1 = <!--image 2--> | image2 = <!-- filename only, i.e. without "File:" or "Image:" prefix --> | width2 = <!-- displayed width of image; overridden by "width" above --> | alt2 = | link2 = | thumbtime2 = | caption2 = <!-- and so on, to a maximum of 10 images (image10) --> <!-- Footer --> | footer_background = <!-- footer background as a 'hex triplet' web color prefixed by # e.g. #33CC00 --> | footer_align = <!-- left (default), center, right --> | footer = <!-- footer text --> }}
- Outomatiese verandering van foto's se grootte sodat hulle dieselfde hoogte is (deur "total_width" aan te gee).
{{multiple image2 <!-- Layout parameters --> | align = <!-- right (default), left, center, none --> | direction = <!-- horizontal (default), vertical --> | background color = <!-- box background --> | total_width = <!-- total width of all the displayed images in pixels (an integer, omit "px" suffix) --> | caption_align = <!-- left (default), center, right --> <!-- Header --> | header_background = | header_align = <!-- center (default), left, right --> | header = <!--image 1--> | image1 = <!-- filename only, i.e. without "File:" or "Image:" prefix --> | alt1 = | link1 = | thumbtime1 = | caption1 = <!--image 2--> | image2 = <!-- filename only, i.e. without "File:" or "Image:" prefix --> | alt2 = | link2 = | thumbtime2 = | caption2 = <!-- and so on, to a maximum of 10 images (image10) --> <!-- Footer --> | footer_background = | footer_align = <!-- left (default), center, right --> | footer = }}
- Voorbeeld van wanneer foto's se grootte outomaties verander word