Olive Schreiner-prys
Die Olive Schreiner-prys is 'n literêre prys wat jaarliks deur die English Academy of Southern Africa aan nuwe skrywerstalente uit Suider-Afrika toegeken word.[1] Die prys is vernoem na die Suid-Afrikaanse skryfster Olive Schreiner. Die prys is tussen 1961 en 1970 deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns toegeken waartydens dit as die Olive Schrinerprys vir Engelse Letterkunde bekend gestaan het. Dit is toegeken vir 'n oorspronklike bellettristiese werk in Engels deur ’n Suid-Afrikaner of Rhodesiër gelewer en in Suid-Afrika of Rhodesië uitgegee. Die prys is in 1972 aan die English Academy of South Africa oorgedra en staan sedertdien bekend as die Olive Schreiner-prys. Die prysgeld is deur Shell (SA) geskenk.
[wysig | wysig bron]Jaar | Kategorie | Wenner | Werk |
2019 | Poësie | Allan Kolski Horwitz | The Colours of Our Flag |
2018 | Prosa | Bronwyn Law-Viljoen | The Printmaker |
2018 | Prosa | Elleke Boehmer | The Shouting in the Dark |
2017 | Drama | Neil Coppen | Tin Bucket Drum |
2016 | Poësie | Geen prys toegeken nie | - |
2015 | Prosa | Imran Garda | The Thunder that Roars |
2015 | Prosa | Jill Nudelman | Inheriting the Earth[2] |
2014 | Poësie | Rustum Kozain | Groundwork |
2013 | Prosa | Peter Dunseith | The Bird of Heaven |
2012 | Drama | Nicholas Spagnoletti | London Road[3] |
2011 | Drama | Geen prys toegeken nie | - |
2010 | Poësie | Finuala Dowling | Notes from the Dementia Ward |
2009 | Prosa | Michael Cawood Green | For the Sake of Silence |
2008 | Drama | Geen prys toegeken nie | - |
2007 | Poësie | Rustum Kozain | This Carting Life |
2006 | Prosa | Jane Taylor | Of Wild Dogs, Russel Brownlee – Garden of the Plagues |
2005 | Drama | John Kani | Nothing but the Truth |
2004 | Poësie | Isobel Dixon | Weather Eye |
2003 | Prosa | Hugh Lewin | Bandiet out of Jail |
2002 | Drama | Xoli Norman | Halleluja |
2001 | Poësie | Mzi Mahola | When Rains Come |
2000 | Prosa | Antjie Krog | Country of My Skull |
1999 | Drama | Moira Lovell | Bedtime Stories |
1998 | Poësie | Dan Wylie | The Road Out |
1997 | Prosa | Zakes Mda | Ways of Dying |
1996 | Drama | Zakes Mda | The Nun's Romantic Story |
1995 | Poësie | Allan James | Morning Near Genadendal |
1994 | Prosa | Deena Padayachee | What's Love Got To Do With It? |
1993 | Drama | Geen prys toegeken nie | - |
1992 | Poësie | Tatamkhulu Afrika | Nine Lives |
1991 | Prosa | Ivan Vladislavic | Missing Persons |
1990 | Drama | Norman Coombe | A Snake in the Garden |
1989 | Poësie | Kelwyn Sole | Blood of Our Silence |
1988 | Prosa | John Conyngham | The Arrowing of the Cane |
1987 | Drama | Geen prys toegeken nie | - |
1986 | Poësie | Lionel Abrahams | Journal of a New Man |
1985 | Prosa | Menan du Plessis | A State of Fear |
1984 | Drama | Junction Avenue Theatre Company | Randlords and Rotgut |
1983 | Poësie | Chris Mann | New Shades |
1982 | Prosa | Rose Zwi | Another Year In Africa |
1981 | Drama | Geen prys toegeken nie | - |
1980 | Poësie | Patrick Cullinan | Today Is Not Different |
1979 | Prosa | Ahmed Essop | The Hajji And Other Stories |
1978 | Drama | John Cundill | Redundant & Waiting |
1977 | Poësie | Robert Greig | Talking Bull |
1976 | Prosa | Sheila Roberts | Outside Life's Feast |
1975 | Drama | Douglas Livingstone | A Rhino for the Boardroom |
1974 | Poësie | Oswald Mtshali | The Sounds of a Cowhide Drum |
1973 | Prosa | Sheila Fugard | The Castaway |
1972 | Drama | Geen prys toegeken nie | - |
1971 | Poësie | Elias Pater | In Praise of Night |
1970 | Prosa | Geen prys toegeken nie | - |
1969 | Drama | Geen prys toegeken nie | - |
1968 | Poësie | Sydney Clouts | One Life |
1967 | Prosa | M.F.C. Roebuck | Nyitso: a novel of West Africa |
1966 | Drama | Geen prys toegeken nie | - |
1965 | Poësie | Geen prys toegeken nie | - |
1964 | Prosa | Anna M. Louw | 20 Days That Autumn |
1963 | H. W. D. Manson | The Noose-Knot Ballad | |
1961 | F. D. Sinclair | Al sy digbundels |
[wysig | wysig bron]- ↑ 1,0 1,1 "Awards and Prizes - English Academy of Southern Africa" (in Engels). Besoek op 16 Julie 2020.
- ↑ http://bookslive.co.za/blog/2016/05/20/jill-nudelman-and-imran-garda-win-2015-olive-schreiner-prize-for-prose/
- ↑ "London Road, Sea Point. Besoek op 27 Maart 2015". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 9 Januarie 2016. Besoek op 12 Desember 2015.